Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Hi Friends!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!I hope you all have some fun celebrations planned for today.


Happy March Madness!Check back on Moose Monday for all the details on my bracket this year

Over the weekend we kicked off a few St. Patrick's Day celebrations of our own.
Our town has an annual St. Patrick's Day Parade and we were excited to attend this year!

I don't own a green collar and Mom couldn't find one when she looked quickly at the store last week but I wore my festive bow that I had and we had a blast!

While Mom got dressed, I tried to take a quick nap before we had to leave for the parade
I wasn't very pleased about waking up to go at first and well Mom was overly excited

 I was still a little skeptical when we got there...

But once things got started it turned out to be so much fun!
There was even a dog on a skateboard

I got so much love and attention from kids and other humans at the parade- I love making new friends
And as an added bonus, our local ice cream shop opened this past weekend so Mom treated me to my first Frosty Paw of the season!

St. Patrick's Day Celebrations aren't complete without some yummy treats!
My BarkBox arrived this week and had the perfect St. Patty's Day treat...

Shepherd's Pie Flavored Treats

They're delicious!

I'm looking forward to more celebrations all day long!
See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites AND you can meet one of my new Puppy Cousins! He's a cutie!


  1. Happy Woof St Woof Patrick's Day to you, too, Moose! What, no green collar?! You have all the accessories! Must fix that... But you look dapper in anything... Have a great day; can't wait to see what you're up to on Friday's post.

    P.S. Ann strained her right shoulder this week - would you say puppy prayers for her. She's better but it's hard to keep her on restricted activity. She's 12.5 years old. Thx! L

    1. Sending lots of prayers for Anne for a speedy and full recovery!! Have a good weekend!
