Monday, October 19, 2015

Moose Monday: Update on Eddie

Happy Moose Monday!!

Today I'm updating you all on my cousin Eddie!

To read what happened to him, check out these previous posts.

First, thank you all for your prayers, messages, and thoughts during Eddie's recovery.
The good news is the long weeks confined to just his crate are behind him!

He's doing really well and is going through rehab exercises with Bryan and Kori.
They also upgraded his lifestyle and built him this awesome pen so he has more room to hang out!
He won't have free roam of the house very often because he can no longer do any stairs or jumping onto the couches, etc. So when he can't be watched constantly he gets to hang in his pretty cool pen!

He gets daily time out of his pen and daily walks to help him restrengthen the muscles in his back and legs. 

He's definitely in better spirits and on the mend!
I like his moose toy! I think I gave him that one for Christmas last year ;)

The other big news in Ed's little life is he welcomed his new baby sister a few weeks ago!
He is sill getting used to her and she's still getting used to him, too.
Although, I heard he did give her some they're moving in the right direction!
Yay for Eddie! I can't wait to play with him soon!

Have a great week friends!


  1. Happy Moose Monday! Hope you had a good weekend - I didn't get to comment on your Friday post - you all were busy people and dog(s). Thank you for the update on Eddie - I've been praying for him, Kori and Bryan. So glad he's upgraded to a larger comfortable area. Have the vets and humans considered acupuncture and massage for Eddie? May help stimulate nerve ending and musculature. Will keep in him prayers for continued recovery. Have a great fall week... Woof!

  2. P.S. Congratulations to the addition of Eddie's little sister...Blessings all around!
