Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday Favorites

Friday is Here!!

Time for Favorites!!!


In case you missed Monday's post, my Ewok Costume for Halloween last weekend was definitely a FAVORITE this week.

As well as our trip to the parade and these other cute dogs in their costumes

The hood was a little big for my head so all you could see was my little nose in the grass


Right before we left for the parade, a new toy arrived!
This Moose Kong toy aka Marvin the Moose

He was definitely a FAVORITE this week

Mom, no more pictures! It's time to play.


When I'm hanging out in Mom and Dad's room, sometimes I enjoy staring at myself in the floor length mirror
Me, myself, and a toy are FAVORITES.


Dad is always a FAVORITE but this week I snuggled up in one of his FAVORITE jackets to take a nap on a chilly morning

And he snuggled me, too



Sometimes, I get to hang with Uncle Tom during the day.
Uncle Tom is a FAVORITE this week for helping watch and walk me
AND the Snapchats he sends Mom are her FAVORITE, too!

That's it for this week! 
I'm looking forward to a weekend filled with walks and snuggles with my humans.
Have a relaxing weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Friday Moose! How's the weather back there in the East? You are one pampered pup - look at all the love and snuggles you get from all your humans! Have a great weekend!
