Monday, June 1, 2015

Moose Monday Giveaway: I'd Rather Be With My Dog

It's Mom's Birthday today and we felt the best way to celebrate was to give something away to one of our friends!

So, it's Giveaway Time!!

Who doesn't love a giveaway to brighten your day?!

No matter what you're doing right now..I'm sure you'd rather be with your dog...right?!
At least that's how my Mom feels when she's at work all day. So, when she came across these shirts she fell in love and I love them, too!

We are partnering with Doug over at I'd Rather Be With My Dog to give away a shirt/tank to one of you! All you have to do is enter below.

Check back next Moose Monday for the winner!!

The main winner will get to choose a shirt from the various options featured on Doug's website and there will be 2 other winners who will receive treats and bumper stickers!

Once the winner is chosen they can let me know color and size for their shirt. Check out some of the options below:


In the meantime be sure to check out I'd Rather Be With My Dog's website for lots of great clothes, accessories, and more! My favorite part is that 10% of all sales go to a different rescue each month so your purchases are helping save animals lives, too. 
Boy, do I love IRBWMD and I know you will too!


  1. Woof Monday Moose! And Happy Happy Birthday to your mom. I was checking out the treats on Doug's website and found the blog and the clothes and the questions about how do you know if you are a dog person. Great site! Have a great day- don't forget to spoil mom, right Moose? Woof!

    1. Thank you Laurie!! I hope you are having a great week!

  2. Happy birthday Moose's mommy!This is a great giveaway!I love playing hide and seek with my dog!She knows every place I hide myself and she is always the winner!��

    1. Thank you!! Hide and seek sounds like a great time!

  3. Great giveaway! Perfect shirt for me this summer, cause its my frist holiday without my buddy. So I Will miss her a lot!!
    Like to go to the beach with her!!

    1. Thank you Karin!! The beach is always fun!

  4. Love my little puppy so much and I love these shirts!! - Seri from
