Monday, June 8, 2015

Moose Monday: I'd Rather Be With My Dog Giveaway Winners

Happy Moose Monday!!

Thank you for everyone who entered into our Giveaway last week!
There are 3 winners for this giveaway!!

1st Winner

Karin Lamain 

Email me today at for the shirt style and color that you would like from I'd Rather Be With My Dog!!

2nd Winner

Seri Roth

Email me today ( so we can send you your free treats from I'd Rather Be With My Dog!

3rd Winner

Teysia Lynn Parks

Email me today ( so we can send you your bumper sticker from I'd Rather Be With My Dog!

Thank you for all who entered!!!!

I hope you all have a fantastic Monday and week!! 
Stop back soon!


  1. Hi Moose! Happy Thursday! Hope you're having a great week. It's been busy in my world, and I suspect the weekend will be busier. I look forward to reading about your next adventures!

  2. Hi Laurie!! It's been busy over in our world, too! I'll be posting tomorrow for Friday Favorites :) Have a great day!
