Monday, August 24, 2015

Moose Monday: Barks and Bubbles Brunch

Happy Moose Monday!!

Now it's time to grab your pupachino while I fill you in about the fun I had with some puppy friends at our...

Barks and Bubbles Brunch!

Meet my friends...Remi and Riley
(Bear is part of our group, too but he couldn't come- we missed him!)
We're ready for playtime and brunch!

Riley's parents hosted us at their house for a fun playdate for us pups while our parents relaxed and enjoyed some brunch! It was the perfect weather and a perfect morning.

Riley and I played for a little before Remi got there...

We ran, played ball, rolled in the grass and rested!
It was so much fun!

 When Remi got there we all played some more.
And then I took a break and watched them from the porch!

After our parents all brunched it was time for us to celebrate!
Remi and Riley both have August birthdays so Riley's Mom made Pupcakes just for us!

We couldn't wait to chow down

We sang and then enjoyed!

It was delicious!

After the Barks and Bubbles Brunch, I took a nice long nap, making for quite a perfect day!
Thank you Riley's Parents for having us!! 
I can't wait to see my pup friends again soon!

Have a great week friends!


  1. Hi Moose - Happy Monday! Looks like you had a lot of fun with your friends - I sometimes think dogs behave themselves better than humans... Those pupcakes look so big and delicious. I bet you ate every crumb. :)

    Keeping Eddie and his family in prayers. Ann somehow picked up a "bug" so she was a little weak over the weekend - would appreciate your prayers for her - she's almost 12!

    Have a great week!

    1. Oh no! I hope Ann feels better-sending thoughts and prayers your way. Have a good week!
