Friday's Here!
A few weeks ago, we had our first snow and boy was it a big one!
I was pretty excited about the pending blizzard because I knew it meant snuggling all weekend with some of my favorite humans and playing in some snow (which turned out to be a favorite, too!)
Mom got home from work a little early on Friday and we went for a nice long walk before the snow was supposed to start...
Walks are my favorite, but I kept wondering where the snow was?!
When we got home, I sat in my favorite spot by the door and waited for the snow to start
Mom, where is it?! |
Finally, it started!
Watching the snow fall was a favorite, for sure!
We snuggled up and enjoyed being snowed in and then on Saturday morning, it was time to explore!
Last year, I wasn't a huge fan of the snow so Mom and Dad weren't sure how I would react...
But this year, I loved it!
I even got to play out front without my leash on...
Snow days are a new favorite!!
I watched from the door all day as people played, shoveled and had fun!
And shared in a little breakfast with my humans
And then yesterday I ran outside and just like that...
it's all gone!
Snow days are definitely a favorite but I'm happy when I can see some grass in my backyard, too!
Will you all be watching the Superbowl on Sunday?
I'm excited to see a lot of my puppy and human friends this weekend and watch some football, too.
It will be a favorite weekend, all around!
Happy Super Bowl weekend, Moose, Katie and Drew! Since the game is here in CA, the SF Bay Area has been very crowded and busy. I live in the suburbs... and planning to stay very close to home! Should we root for the Carolina Broncos or the Denver Panthers? Ha ha. Moose, great pics of you in the snow... and without a leash! Bet you liked that! Don't forget that Puppy Bowl XII is on the Animal Planet channel - I think it starts about 3pm, but will replay several time during the afternoon/evening. Something about puppies playing on a "football field" with toys and water bowls at each goal post... Have a great weekend!