Monday, February 15, 2016

Moose Monday: Tips for a Safe Winter with your Furry Friend

Happy Moose Monday!!

I hope you all had a great weekend! 
It's been really cold around here with snow flurries just about daily so I thought we could talk about some Dog-Friendly tips for this freezing weather!


The winter can be harsh on our paws so it is important to protect them!

Awhile back we talked about The Natural Dog Company's Pawtector and Pawsoother

These are the best during the winter months
We try to apply them nightly

Booties are another pup favorite to protect against the harsh weather and salt on the sidewalks during long walks. While Mom and Dad have tried to make me wear a pair- I'm not a fan and will kick them off immediately
We have tried a pair similar to these and they were great quality
Ultra Paws Pawtector Dog Boots
Our only issue was the stubborn pup who was supposed to wear them ;)


This goes along with protecting our paws because on walks there are tons of harsh chemicals on the ground in the wintertime

If you are using Ice Melter/Salt at your home, you should definitely be using one that is 100% safe for Pups and the environment in general

Safe Paw is the one we recommend and can be bought online or in most Pet Stores

Even though this is the best solution, chances are the sidewalks will still have salt all over them this time of year which can be harmful to our paws and our digestion system if we lick our paws when we come in from outside

It is important to be aware of this and wash our paws after every walk!


We do get cold in the winter weather, I know that in the past my humans have had to limit my walks to very short ones in order to keep me from getting too cold!

Consider getting your pup a coat, I have worn my camouflage one in the past

but Mom has considered getting me more a vest type that will stay put like the picture below

Also, it is important to make sure that your homes are warm enough if you are gone during the day and that we have a safe, warm area to snuggle up in while you're gone

And the best way to keep us warm...snuggle up with us as soon as you get home :)

Happy Sunday!:
Luckily, Dad is home today for President's Day so we will be snuggled up all day
I can't wait!

Stay warm and safe friends!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Moose. thank you for the great care tips for the fur babies. Your parents take great of you. I bought the paw soother for Ann - it worked very well the first time. But she kept licking it off, so I have to be sneaky to apply it. Our CA weather is much milder than yours, but I keep an eye on Ann's nails and paws. I would love to see a picture of you in your booties... Stay warm!
