Monday, August 31, 2015

Moose Monday: Best Summer Memories

Happy Moose Monday!

With it being the last day of August, it's time to reminisce on all the great memories from the past three months!
Don't worry though, Summer isn't over yet!
We still have a few more weeks that I'll be using to wrap up my Summer Bucket List.

So far we have done a lot of fun things!
Let's do a little recap...

I played with lots of friends this summer

We went on lots of walks!

We took a lot of naps

We played with a ton of new toys (including some sharks)!

And best of all, I spent time with all of the humans I love!
I only have pictures of some but you are all the best.

And to check out my happenings with my Summer Bucket List...
June's Update is here and July's Update is here!

Stay tuned for the August Update coming next Moose Monday!

Have a great week friends!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!

Time to link up for some favorites!


National Dog Day was this week!
Of course it is a FAVORITE day- I hope it is one of your FAVORITES, too.
We celebrated by taking a walk to our local ice cream place.
Mom got frozen yogurt that sure looked yummy.

But don't worry I got my own puppy ice cream instead!


I talked about it on Monday but I'm still in withdraw from seeing all of my puppy friends this past weekend- I just miss them already!
They are the best and some of my FAVORITE times are had with them.
Remember these guys from Monday? Meet Remi and Riley.

I also got to play with another FAVORITE friend, Guinness.
When we are together, we are having so much fun that we are just a blur!


Football is back, which means a few FAVORITES...

Fantasy Football
Here I am drafting with Mom this week

And cheering for my two FAVORITE teams, the Ravens and the Redskins
Here I have on my Redskins bandanna with my Ravens collar

I'll probably be sporting this ensemble again tomorrow when they play each other for a preseason game!
Eek...who is going to win?
Mom or Dad? I mean, Ravens or Redskins?


Sometimes I can be a Mischievous Moose and to carry out my mischievous acts, I'll have to sneak out of the room...
...make sure my humans aren't watching, and run!
Playing this game with them is half the fun and definitely a FAVORITE


Did you get a chance to meet Bear Bear yesterday?
He was August's guest pup and is definitely a new FAVORITE friend!
You should definitely go learn more about him, here.

I also wanted to take a second to have a quick Eddie update.

He is still cage bound and seems to be in pain more frequently this week. There hasn't been any change in what he has been doing so it is unclear how to know what the pain is being caused by. Aunt Kori and Uncle Bryan are trying to do everything the Vet suggests.
Please, please  keep the thoughts and prayers coming for the little guy! 

Have a fantastic Friday and an even better weekend!
Guess what, August is just about over?! I say, bring on September and the Fall!